Thanks to advances in science and technology, as well as persistent health-care advocates lobbying for more eco-friendly pest control, the adverse effects of pesticides have been lessened to some degree for residents of Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the world at large. While it is easy to assume that farmers and pesticide manufacturers are apathetic and value money more than human safety, this is an unfair and inaccurate assumption. Pesticides are necessary in order to ensure the survival of crops and to prevent the spread of various diseases. The problem with pesticides is that not all of them do these things without negatively affecting lives and the environment. Studies have shown that some pesticides actually do more harm than good in the long run.
Most people are aware that pesticides counteract the spread of disease and ensure that the foods we eat are, for the most part, disease-free. However, few people are aware of exactly how pesticides accomplish these feats. Even fewer people are able to articulate how some pesticides can actually be harmful to human beings. This article will help answer those questions for you.
First, let’s look at how pesticides work. As of the date of this article and according to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (SCPOP), there are four kinds of pesticides: bactericides, which eradicate air and water-born pathogens, herbicides, which eradicate herbal pathogens, fungicides, which eliminate fungal pathogens, and insecticides, which kill disease-spreading pests. All four pesticides are sold as granules, liquids and powders. Those of you who frequent gardening supply stores have probably seen pesticides marketed in one or more of these forms. Some of you may have also seen pesticides in magazines, internet ads, etc.
By now you are probably wondering what causes pesticide contamination. Simply put, intentional and unintentional misuse of pesticides is to blame for most contamination issues. Unfortunately, there are people who knowingly misuse pesticides for everything from a desire to cut corners financially to intentional acts of bio-terrorism. People who engage in this kind of activity are often fined and/or made to serve time in prison. On the other hand, there are people who unwittingly misuse pesticides. For example, a person may use agricultural-grade pesticides to eliminate common household pests and cause that pest problem to snowball into a potentially lethal situation. He or she may also purchase the wrong kind of pesticide for household plants. Mislabeling is another reason why pesticides are misused. Numerous studies have shown that people have unwittingly suffered from pesticide poisoning by inhaling fumes and eating foods that have not been properly cleaned and/or cooked in a way that removes pesticide residue/toxins.
By using professional pest control services you will help lessen your exposure to pesticide toxins. Akkad pest control services, for example, will help take care of your pesticide needs in a professional manner. There are also a number of things you can do on your own. For example, purchasing organic foods is a preventative measure you can take to ensure that you are not exposing your family or yourself to potentially harmful pesticide toxins. There are also over-the-counter sprays/washes that you can incorporate in your daily cooking regimen to make sure what you eat is safer.