Pest Control for Bedbugs in Table
Bedbugs can hide in the crevices and undersides of tables, causing hygiene concerns. Akkad Pest Control offers expert services to remove bedbugs from tables and ensure your home remains clean and safe.

Steps to Control Bedbugs in Table
1.Inspect the Table: Look for signs of bedbug activity, such as bloodstains, droppings, or actual bedbugs hiding in the crevices and undersides of the table.
2.Clean the Table: Vacuum the table thoroughly to remove any visible bedbugs and eggs. Clean the surrounding area as well.
3.Apply Bedbug Treatment: We use safe and effective treatments specifically designed to eliminate bedbugs in your table and other furniture.
4.Seal Entry Points: Ensure any cracks or gaps in walls or floors near the table are sealed to prevent bedbugs from spreading further.
5.Professional Extermination: Akkad Pest Control offers professional bedbug control services to eliminate infestations and prevent future outbreaks.
FAQ Pest Control for Bed bugs
The cost for bed bug pest control in Dubai typically ranges from 99 AED to 210 AED, depending on the extent of the infestation and the size of the property.
The most effective way to eliminate bed bugs is by using a combination of heat treatment, insecticides, and thorough vacuuming. Targeting bed bugs at all life stages ensures complete eradication.
Bed bug treatments can start showing results within a few hours, but full eradication often takes several weeks, especially if follow-up treatments are needed for larger infestations.
Yes, bed bug infestations can return if proper preventive measures, such as inspecting used furniture and maintaining cleanliness, are not taken. Regular monitoring and follow-up treatments may be necessary.
For certain bed bug treatments, such as insecticide applications or heat treatments, it is advised to vacate the property for several hours to allow the treatment to be effective and safe.